Episode 70

S4E9 Race(Live Recording)


May 28th, 2019

2 hrs 16 mins 59 secs

Season 4

Your Host

About this Episode

The fruit that has come from this hard night is impossible to quantify. I am proud to have friends who lead with grace, commit to being learners, and embrace Oneness. Earthly divisions are torn down for those who are in Christ. While that may sound simple, it is not easy. This night a group of kind and committed community members, persistent in living the gospel He proclaimed, circled up and felt our feelings... TOGETHER. Only a couple were unwilling. We listened to our brothers and sisters and laid our hearts before the Lord. The night ended in lament. A loud and communal lament. And I am certain in the end it will matter very much that we risked comfort for love, that we leaned into the moment God put before us no matter where we were on our journey and offered up our honesty. Where there is honesty, there is holiness. Listen, I know people say the great reward of our faith is going to heaven when we die and I'm sure that's true. I'm sure it is. But I believe strongly that miraculous fruit is also unlikely love-- the new family that is created in the life and death of Jesus Christ, Oneness. May we be One so the world will know.

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